storytelling in 360° Film
A research project at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Design, Film and Art and Swiss Television
360° videos promise a previously unattainable experience of experiencing reality. A differentiating feature for these films is the spatial immersion in the worlds which is not possible in conventional film. Media-specific key functions have to be rethought or developed: i.e. the handling of cuts, camera movements, or even the mise-en-scene for highly immersive situations. Traditional production means are of limited use when creating such contributions. In this field there is a lack of basic planning and guidelines for the production process and few known narrative and mediation strategies that can be used as a reference for high-quality film productions.
To close this knowledge gap, the Visual Narrative research group at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, in collaboration with Swiss Television, investigated conditions specific to the development and production of 360° film contributions.
This resulted in planning principles and design proposals for successful 360° productions which are explained further on this website.